buying a business

buying a business FAQs

Buying a Business FAQs

Buying a business can be a time consuming and intricate process, especially if you’re entirely new to the process! So this month we thought we’d address some of the top ‘Buying a Business FAQs’ we get asked here at the Core Business Brokers Sydney office.

How to choose the right business

How to choose the right business

Buying a business is a big decision. For many, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime moment that they spend years (and years!) contemplating. The thought of being your own boss, making an impact on your customers and reaping the rewards of your hard work are generally the drivers in deciding to buy. But most people come to a halt when it comes to one thing… How to choose the right business!

pros and cons of buying a business vs starting from scratch

Buying a Business VS. Starting From Scratch

Want to be your own boss, work for yourself, establish a business and watch it grow? Then you’ve probably asked yourself this question already… Should I buy a pre-existing business or start from scratch?
It’s a valid question and an important one at that – as there are pros and cons to consider for each option. So, make things a little easier to digest, we figured it best to break them down for you!

business broker

Why use a business broker?

In a world full of DIY options, ‘do it yourself’ business buying and selling sound appealing to the ever-learning, multi-tasking business owner that you are. You’ve managed to establish and grow a business of your own, maybe from scratch, maybe from one that was previously showing little profit! Either way, you’ve got this… right? Unfortunately, no. We hate to be so blunt, but there is a reason why Business Brokers exist. Actually, there are many reasons! Let’s outline a few to break the ice.